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Bring your design ideas to life using York’s digital Mood Board feature. This exciting new feature allows you to arrange our beautiful fabrics, wall coverings and other products to create your very own mood board. You can easily create your perfect look and explore endless design combinations by mixing-and-matching our products as you please. Add your moodboard products directly to your cart save or even share it.

Here's an example of a board that was created using our Mood Board feature. You can see how the colours, designs and schemes have been brought to life.

Your Guide To Create a Moodboard


Add products to your Wishlist

Creating your Moodboard starts with finding the right products. When browsing our collections look out for the heart icon (these appear in the product category page and also on the product page) to add to your Wishlist.

The 3D preview button will also take you to your Moodboard page directly. The products in your wishlist will appear on the right-hand side of the Moodboard, ready to add and arrange.


Add and arrange products to your Moodboard

Simply click and drag on the products to copy them onto the Moodboard. With the products images now on your board, you can arrange them by click and drag method and pull the edges for resize.


Saving and sharing your Moodboard

Your Moodboard will automatically save as you make changes and these will remain in place between sessions. Once complete you can use the 'Share' button and send a link via email or other social platforms for other people to view your creation.

Please note: Your shared Moodboard will update with any subsequent changes you make to your design. If you delete or clear your Moodboard after sharing, it will no longer be visible to those you have shared it with.

If you'd like to start something new you can create as many Moodboards as desired. The 'Manage My Moodboards' button will let you load a different Moodboard, create a new one or rename one of your existing designs.

You will also see the ‘Add to cart’ button. This lets you take the products of your Moodboard and add it onto your cart for purchase.


Create Sample Moodboard

Explore our SKUs and use the to add your favorite products to your Wishlist. View your wishlist here and add products to your board to mix n match to create your desired look.


Register with us and indulge in our state of the art, exciting new visualization features that give you the ability to transform your imagination into designs & concepts for Interiors, long before the space has been built, all at the convenience of your fingertips.

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